3 Reasons Why Packaging Can Drive Sales More Than Advertising.
Packaging and advertising are both crucial components to any marketing mix, but which one has more influence at the time consumers make their purchase decision? More importantly, which one is giving you a better ROI?
The correct balance of investment between packaging and advertising is even more crucial for smaller brands with limited budgets. Packaging is a proven ally on the front lines of the retail environment.
Here are 3 things to consider as you evaluate where to spend your marketing budget:
- Packaging interacts with your consumer at the point of purchase while advertising interacts away from the point of purchase.
Your advertisement may have piqued your target consumer’s interest, but interest alone doesn’t sell – especially in the retail setting where there are so many options that can distract a consumer from your brand. Have you ever seen an ad for a product, gone to the store or retail website and ended up choosing a competitor’s product?
Certainly, there are many examples of fantastic advertising that has engaged us all. But consider this, have you ever experienced watching a commercial over and over, even shared video links with friends and family, only to find yourself later trying to remember the brand the advertising was pitching?
As a consumer we appear to be engaged, but are we more enamored with the ads than the product?
Advertising relies heavily on repetition in order to build consumer awareness. Packaging has the unique ability, even on the first impression, to influence purchase at the time of purchase.
- Packaging is directly and intrinsically tied to your product.
While advertising certainly can evoke strong emotions, exceptional packaging can connect with consumers in a much more direct and intimate way.
Packaging engages multiple senses: sight, touch and even sometimes sound and smell.
Think of your packaging as your “closer.” Your advertisement may have gotten your target consumer to the store or website, but your packaging reinforces your brand’s message and communicates that message in a tactile, personal way. Packaging allows for consumer interaction with your brand in ways that advertising can’t.
- Packaging engages, advertising interrupts.
99% of the time, we are being advertised to when we are doing something other than shopping. We’re usually watching the game or our favorite show, reading a magazine or surfing the web. Few things are more annoying than a commercial break, a pop-up ad while browsing the web or those sneaky ads embedded in the content of a favorite online publication.
In fact, we dislike ads so much that we’re investing in DVR’s, paying extra for ad-free apps and are training ourselves to ignore advertisements altogether. As a whole, we’re actually paying to avoid being advertised to.
Packaging is different. Effective packaging engages consumers when their wallets are out and they have already committed to spending money in the retail environment. Unlike advertising, packaging is tangible and an integral component to the consumer experience.
Consumers cannot simply turn off packaging.
Advertising is certainly an integral part of any robust marketing plan, but with budgets being challenged more every day, packaging is a more cost effective tool that converts consumer interest into a purchase.
photo credit: suzy_yes via photopin cc
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